Community Computer Drive

Only 14.6% of people in Burundi have access to the Internet compared to the global rate of 66.2%. Partnering with KitHub and TechLit Africa, Code Your Dreams aims to democratize access to computers through this community drive. Your support will enable women and children to participate in Code Your Dreams’ app development course to increase their tech literacy and secure a better future. Code Your Dreams has previously partnered with Meeting Tomorrow and the Chicago Field Museum to connect students with computers during and after participation in the Code Your Dreams programs. 


Goal: 150 computers

TechNexus (20 N Upper Wacker Dr Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60606)
Lyric Opera's Lobby (20 N Upper Wacker Dr, Chicago, IL 60606)
Kit Hub
TechLit Africa
  • Who are we?

    KIT Hub is a nonprofit with the mission of creating employment and sustainable development in Burundi. KIT Hub was established in 2019 to empower young Burundians to innovate and reinvent the local workforce. KIT Hub offers a unique platform to support innovation and creativity among youth and women in the region.

  • Why is this important?

    According to the World Food Programme, “A land-locked and densely populated country in East Africa, Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the world with more than 70 percent of the population living in poverty.”

    As a result of Burundi’s poverty situation, the median age in Burundi is 17 years old with almost half the population being 14 years of age or younger.

  • How can we help?

    Delivering computers to Burundi will unlock opportunities for the children and women of the country.

    By bringing Code Your Dreams to Burundi, we’re able to hire local teachers, thereby bringing more jobs to the region, and train students and women with the technical skills that can lift their communities out of poverty.

  • Who are we?

    We are Technologically Literate Africa, also known as TechLit Africa. We teach self-efficacy through digital skills in rural African schools. We believe that the internet could lessen African poverty, but rural Africans lack digital skills and computers to gain from the digital economy, even though developed countries have an abundance of used computers.

  • Why is this important?

    Research shows that the adoption of technology in education, business and government can raise GDP, lower unemployment and improve the quality of life. In most rural areas in Africa the Internet is still too expensive to use in education.

  • How can we help?

    We run vertically-integrated computer classes in rural African schools with used computers. In 2021, we ran a successful pilot program: we expanded to 10 computer labs in rural Kenya, serving over 4,000 students. From 2022 to 2024, we plan to grow tenfold annually to prepare millions of students for the digital economy before 2025.





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